Did you know nine Health Centres do birthing in rural ENBP. Mope, tapipipi, Warangoi, Watnabara, Gaulim, Napapar, Paparatava and Vunapaka Health Centres.
Delivery Of 250 Sports Shorts VIPS
Delivery Of Maternity Packs Nonga
Post Courier Articles
Links to 2 news article about ENBQLD 2023 visit to ENB.
Childrens Ward Visit
We visited the children’s ward today. Children who have had accidents in their own backyard from climbing trees and usual accidents during playtime
Immaculate School Vunapope
We delivered Tennis Rackets and water bottles to help during children’s sports . Health and Fitness.
Glasses Update 2
We helped the Nonga Hospital Optometrist section. It was a very long day. Lots of locals from surrounding villages came to have their eyes test and glasses already graded by Lions Club Morayfield and forwarded by Rotary and much Thanks go to those Charity groups.
Glasses Update 1
To all our East New Britain Province followers we are distributing free reading glasses today 18th July 2023 at
VUNAPOPE HOSPITAL Starting at 10am today. FEE K5 for Eye test
Callan Services Vunapope at at 9am. FEE K3 for eye test.
NONGA HOSPITAL at 8am on Wednesday 19th July 2023
Please spread the word.
ENB Qld Mentioned in ABC news article
Link to the ABC article below:
We are delivering free reading glasses after the Mask Festival. Date to be advised through our FB page or radio RENB.
Please do an eye check either at Nonga Hospital or Callan Services Vunapope.
Bring your health book
Spread the word to friends and family that Glasses will be distributed only to those who have had their eye checked.
Our FB page https://www.facebook.com/ENBQLDCommunityInc
School Visit
Our Exec team visited OLSH VUNAPOPE SECONDARY SCHOOL – rolling out Days For Girls kits.
Hospital Visit
Photo of our visit to Vunapope Hospital Maternity Ward – thank you to Doreen, Maria and friends in Brisbane who worked tirelessly in putting together these amazing Mothers Packs that went out to all the Mothers in wards – and supplies for upcoming Mothers who will visit this ward!
Maternity Packs
Our maternity packs would not be possible without the help of our band of ladies led by Maria Mijts and the ladies of St Joseph and St Anthony Parish, Bracken Ridge in Brisbane who work tirelessly sewing and knitting. Over 100 packs were delivered today.
Vunapope Maternity ward delivers around 2000 babies a year average 10 per day. Thank you Sr. Rose and Sr. Antonia for taking the time to show us around.
Container Unloaded
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this possible. This is our 6th container unloaded.
This day always marks a special day in our calendar and nothing would be possible without our amazing members and PNG community of Brisbane.
Also special mentions to Vunamami Uniting Church for allowing us to use the grounds for the second year running, and also RABTRANS and AGMARK for the delivery of the container.
Boina Tuna
Container 2023
Signed, sealed and ready to be delivered!Thanks to the team today for the final squeeze pack… SIMPLY THE BEST!
Now on its way to ENB