Thatโs right PNG Community the Tolaiโs are cooking up their annual delicious feast for you all to enjoy! $10 plate $2 cold drinks and amazing Raffles. We look forward to seeing you all and spread the word. Boina Tuna

This year we will be hosting at Colmslie Beach Reserve, Murarrie. This will give people the option to pick up easily and travel home or stay and picnic in the large beautiful park.
Collecting donations of school stationery!
We would like to thank every one in advance for their support.
To the hardworking cooks who create delicious tolai kaikai for us, to the volunteers who help tirelessly through out the day, to all our generous donors of raffle items, and to all our supporters who come and enjoy the ENB QLD AIGIR MUMU DAYS!
B O I N A T U N A !
All proceeds go towards supplying educational and medical supplies to ENBP.